All the services and products of Farakarant group of companies have a guarantee of correct performance, by the first and most experienced website designer.
The quality of the product and services provided is under the guarantee of the accuracy of Farakarant's performance.
This guarantee is to remove the concern about the occurrence of any possible problem during the period of use, and Farakarant covers it under the guarantee for free.
Product quality guarantee
Customer satisfaction guarantee
You can get a warranty and guarantee for your website from Farakarant
The buyer's satisfaction with the product and service provided by Farkarant is anticipated in all processes, and since Farkarant's main partner is the customers, satisfaction is guaranteed at all stages of buying and using Farkarant products.
This guarantee is intended to eliminate the possibility of the buyer not being satisfied with the provision of the product or service, and Farkarant tries to be the supplier and maintain the buyer's satisfaction at all stages.
There is a guarantee for the delivery of the product and the service provided within the expected period in Farkarant.
This guarantee is to solve the concern about the delay in the delivery of projects, services and products, and Farkarant has foreseen the possible delay damages in its contracts and SLAs.
Product delivery time guarantee
Best price guarantee
The minimum purchase price for a similar product with similar quality is guaranteed in Farakarant.
This guarantee is intended to assure the buyer of the supply of goods and services at the lowest cost, and if the buyer can provide these services with the same quality level and at a lower price, you can receive the difference in damages from Farkarant.
Optimum use of the product is guaranteed by the customer through regular training, support services, updates and forecasting tools.
Guarantee the best use of the product
Product quality guarantee
The quality of the product and services provided is under the guarantee of the accuracy of Farakarant's performance.
This guarantee is to remove the concern about the occurrence of any possible problem during the period of use, and Farakarant covers it under the guarantee for free.
Customer satisfaction guarantee
The buyer's satisfaction with the product and service provided by Farkarant is anticipated in all processes, and since Farkarant's main partner is the customers, satisfaction is guaranteed at all stages of buying and using Farkarant products.
Product delivery time guarantee
There is a guarantee for the delivery of the product and the service provided within the expected period in Farkarant.
This guarantee is to solve the concern about the delay in the delivery of projects, services and products, and Farkarant has foreseen the possible delay damages in its contracts and SLAs.
Best price guarantee
The minimum purchase price for a similar product with similar quality is guaranteed in Farakarant.
This guarantee is intended to assure the buyer of the supply of goods and services at the lowest cost, and if the buyer can provide these services with the same quality level and at a lower price, you can receive the difference in damages from Farkarant.
Guarantee the best use of the product
Optimum use of the product is guaranteed by the customer through regular training, support services, updates and forecasting tools.
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